WELCOME! This blog chronicles the ministry events of Emily's work with the Outdoor Leadership Team (OLT) of the CCO. OLT staff invest in the lives of college students often by "suspending the normal rhythms of campus life" through adventure activities that allow students to check their bearings in life. We engage in recreation for the sake of re-creation, learning, and growth that can transform lives into those of leadership and service.

Please note: the views expressed on this blog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCO or OLT.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hawaii - That Sunny Place? The True Story of Wilderness Encounter

Yes, I did recently return from three weeks in Hawaii:

Yes, it was wonderful. (A great group of students!)

Yes, I saw incredibly scenery. (Breathtaking at times.)

Yes, it was warmer than single-digit and negative temperatures. (Sometimes we wore shorts!)

But wait! I didn't spend my days on sunny beaches.
(Sorry to disappoint you).

Keep scrolling down for images and stories that reveal the truth about life in
Hawaii and what students learned.

Since most people think Hawaii only has beaches and sun, I'll address that aspect now. First, January is Hawaii's rainy season. Most days it rained at some point. We also weathered a huge storm, during which we spent two straight days under this small pavilion. Mud got everywhere. I think it could be added as the eleventh plague.
Kauai also has lots of forests and a huge canyon. We hiked through lots of thick foliage and vicious, prickly ferns that tore our skin and socks.
We tried to have some fun on the days we hiked drenched from the rain.

However, despite the frequent environmental challenges, we did have fun (most of the time) and more importantly, students learned and were changed! Here are snippets of what students learned and how they are continuing to wrestle with challenges back on campus:

Laura (picture above at center) - I had an awesome time on the Wilderness Encounter trip. I learned new things about camping, cooking, backpacking, and about myself. I found that I enjoyed the simplicity of life in the wilderness and how freeing it was. This is something that I have tried to incorporate into my life on campus by having quiet time and by turning off my computer and TV more often. I am trying to focus on relationships more and on myself less. These are things from the Wilderness Encounter that really impacted who I am, so I'm trying to live these lessons out on campus. I can't wait for my next backpacking trip!"

Chris - "During Wilderness Encounter I learned how much I enjoy being around people. After reading Practicing the Presence of People I've realized how important being around people is to my life. I've been trying to be intentional with spending more time with people than I used to, whether it's finding people to eat with or doing my homework in the student union center."

Steve, Dando, Chris and Ashley

Steve - "Living intentionally with a group of people whom I grew to know on a genuine level was a fantastic experience. Personally, the challenge comese when I'm back at school and I try to be intentional on the same level with the vast amount of people I encounter in one day. I want to know so much about them, but it's so easy to get wrapped up in my responsibilities and myself at school that often times I forget to take an interest in others' lives."

Ashley - "Hawaii helped me develop the relationship between myself and God through the solo camping experiences. Normally I am a person who would rather spend a day with people than alone...God showed me how beloved I am to Him in ways I had never experienced before. So now back at home I have a new trust and faith that He loves me and my prayers are being answered."

And finally...here's a quick look at one of my favorite places on the island - the Na Pali Coast!

To see more photos from the trip, click the link at the right.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more updates throughout the rest of the spring.

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